Space Station 14 Multiplayer Role Playing Game

Space Station 14 is a free and open source space station disaster simulator game for Windows, Linux and MacOS. It is a remake of the classic Space Station 13. In this game you need to play as a member of the space station crew. It is released under MIT License.

Space Station 14 game

Space Station 14 System Requirements:

64-bit CPU & OS
Memory: 2GB Ram
Graphics: OpenGL 3.3 or greater
Storage: 512MB disk space

Download Space Station 14 [Windows, Linux, MacOS]

Install Space Station 14 on Ubuntu Linux

Space Station 14 is available as a flatpak package from the flathub store. First you need to install the latest version of flatpak and flathub on your system and restart it after the installation. Follow below link for the installation instructions.

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Install flatpak and flathub

Open the terminal software and run below Space Station 14 flatpak install command.

flatpak install flathub com.spacestation14.Launcher

Start Space Station 14game using below command.

flatpak run com.spacestation14.Launcher

And you can alsi uninstall Space Station 14 using below command.

sudo flatpak uninstall com.spacestation14.Launcher

That’s it.

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