How to block web cryptocurrency miners on Windows – Anti-WebMiner

Web cryptocurrency miners are javascript codes hosted on websites and it will run and do the mining the cryptographic currencies in your web browser if you visit the website. These Web cryptocurrency miners may cause your PC and browsers working very slow , drain your notebook or laptop battery and increase your electricity bill . Anti-WebMiner is a free windows tool to block such Web cryptocurrency miners and protects your system against web cryptocurrency miners. It maintains blacklist database and modifies your Windows hosts file for disabling connection attempts to “blacklisted” sites.


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How to install Claws Mail on Ubuntu

  • Post last modified:August 9, 2021
  • Post category:Linux
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Claws Mail is a free and open-source email client for BSD, Linux, Mac OS, Solaris, Unix, Windows. You can add some extra features by adding RSS aggregator and calendar plugins. It supports SSL over POP3, SMTP, IMAP4rev1 and NNTP protocols. It provides threaded display, multiple MH folder, Filtering, External editor support. You can configure multiple accounts in Claws Mail. Some other important features are addressbook, automated mail checking, User-defined headers and colour labels. It is lightweight and user-friendly.


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