Ninvaders Shoot em up Arcade Game

Ninvaders is a free and open source command-line shoot ’em up arcade video game for Linux. It is Space Invaders clone based on ncurses for ASCII output. In this game you need to save the earth from alien invaders from space. It is released under GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2). Playing this game is simple just press the left and right arrow keys to move it left or right and press space bar key to fire. You can exit the game by using Esc key.

Ninvaders Shoot em up Game

How to Install Ninvaders game on Ubuntu

To install the latest version of Ninvaders on your system, open the terminal command-line application (ctrl+alt+t) and run below apt install command.

sudo apt install ninvaders

It will install the Ninvaders game on your system and you can start the game using below command.


Shoot using spacebar and movie using left and right keys and enjoy the game.

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