Mousepad Text Editor for Linux

Mousepad is a free and open source text editor for Linux. It is a default text editor for Xfce desktop environment. But you can use it on all other Linux desktops. It is a easy-to-use and fast editor with all basic features. You can extend its features using plugins, color theme support, search and replace, convert text case, line number and many file type support.

Mousepad Text Editor

How to Install Mousepad Text Editor on Ubuntu

Mousepad is available from the default Ubuntu repository and flathub. Open the terminal command-line tool and run below commands one by one. It will install the latest version of Mousepad Text Editor on your system.

sudo apt update
sudo apt install mousepad

After the installation you can open it via the applications menu or via below command in terminal.


And also uninstall it using this command.

sudo apt remove mousepad

Install Mousepad via Flatpak:

It is also available via flatpak package file from flathub. Before installing Mousepad flatpak you need to install flatpak and flathub on your system. Follow below link for installation instructions. Restart you system after the flatpak and flathub installation.

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How to Install flatpak on Ubuntu

In the terminal run below command. It will install Mousepad Text Editor on your system.

flatpak install flathub org.xfce.mousepad

You can start Mousepad using this flatpak command.

flatpak run org.xfce.mousepad

And uninstall Mousepad using

sudo flatpak uninstall org.xfce.mousepad

That’s all.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Mary Anderson

    How do you exit out of “FullScreen”?

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