Laidout is free and open source desktop publishing software for Linux and MacOS. it is released under GNU General Public License v3.0. Using this you can arrange pages into various impositions, such as a booklet, or even a dodecahedron and fill pages with images, gradients, mesh transformed images, fill objects, and text. Currently it supports linear, radial, and mesh gradient types. You can export your pages to Svg, Scribus and Pdf. You can download and install Laidout from below link.
Install Laidout on Ubuntu Linux
Download latest development build in .AppImage file format from the below link and save it on your Downloads folder. Here the downloaded file name is “Laidout-ae6b35e-x86_64.AppImage” . you can change below command based on your downloaded file name. Open the terminal (ctrl+alt+t) and run below commands one by one.
cd Downloads
sudo chmod +x ~ Laidout-ae6b35e-x86_64.AppImage
Install Laidout via DEB:
Download Laidout in .deb file format from the above download link and save it on your Downloads folder.
Note: The current stable build in .deb file format is outdated and it will work very well with Ubuntu 18.04 and older.
In terminal run below command to install Laidout on Ubuntu Linux.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ./Downloads/laidout*.deb
That’s all.