EventRecorder is a free and open source task management application for Linux and Windows. Using EventRecorder, you can manually enter all your events/tasks easily in your system and keep track of the time spent on different tasks.This simple application is only for timed events. All the records are stored locally in a CSV file.It is written in Python and released under MIT license.
Install EventRecorder on Ubuntu
EventRecorder is available as a flatpak package file from the remote flathub repository. If you don’t have then first install flatpak and flathub on your system and restart it after the installation.
Install flatpak and flathub on Ubuntu
After that open the terminal application (ctrl+alt+t) and run below EventRecorder flatpak install command. It will install the latest version of EventRecorder app on your system.
flatpak install flathub io.github.FedericoCalzoni.EventRecorder
After the installation you can open it using below command.
flatpak run io.github.FedericoCalzoni.EventRecorder
Just type the task name in the right event column and press the Enter key to add the event. You can also edit the event name and time. If you don’t like it, then uninstall it using the commands below.
flatpak uninstall io.github.FedericoCalzoni.EventRecorder
sudo flatpak uninstall io.github.FedericoCalzoni.EventRecorder