How to Install Clapgrep Search on Ubuntu Linux

Clapgrep is a free and open source ripgrep based full text search application for Linux. Ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern. Now you no need to open each file and search something. Just enter the search term in Clapgrep app, it will find out on which page and line in which file the information is. It currently supports text files, PDFs and Office documents. Also comes with a option to include hidden files and include ignored.

Clapgrep Search app

Install Clapgrep on Ubuntu

Clapgrep is available as a flatpak app from the remote flathub repository. First install flatpak and flathub on your system and restart it after the installation.

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Install flatpak and flathub

Now open the terminal app (ctrl+alt+t) and run below Clapgrep flatpak install command. It will install the latest Clapgrep on your system.

flatpak install flathub de.leopoldluley.Clapgrep

And open Clapgrep using below command.

flatpak run de.leopoldluley.Clapgrep

And uninstall it using below commands.

flatpak uninstall de.leopoldluley.Clapgrep


sudo flatpak uninstall de.leopoldluley.Clapgrep
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