How to install chromium web browser on Ubuntu

Chromium web browser is an open-source project from Google and basis for proprietary Google Chrome browser. Chromium web browser is maintained by the Chromium project. The main difference between Chrome and chromium is chromium comes without proprietary features of Chrome. Like auto update, AAC, H.264, and MP3 media Support.

chromium web browser

Install chromium web browser on Ubuntu

Open your terminal app and run the below code. Search terminal in Ubuntu dash search box to open it or you can also open using ctrl+alt+t keys.

sudo apt update

Type your Ubuntu password and then run the below command in the terminal.

sudo apt install chromium-browser

Type Y and hit enter to confirm the installation.After the successful installation of chromium web browser, you can type the below command in terminal app to start it.


Install chromium web browser via Snap:

In the terminal app run below chromium web browser snap installation command. It will also install chromium web browser on your system.

sudo snap install chromium

That’s it.

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