How to Install BreakTimer on Ubuntu to Reduce Eye Strain and RSI

BreakTimer is a free and open source computer break management software for Linux, Windows and macOS. This is best application for managing and enforcing periodic breaks on your computer to reduce your eye-strain and repetitive strain injury (RSI). You can configure your working hours, app colours and messages for breaks, how often and how long your breaks should be and comes with notifications support and Idle reset of break countdown support. It is released under GNU General Public License v3.0. license.

BreakTimer Reduce Eye Strain

Download BreakTimer

Install BreakTimer on Ubuntu

For Ubuntu BreakTimer available as snap, AppImage and deb package files.

Install BreakTimer via snap:

Open your terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run the below snap installation command.

sudo snap install breaktimer

Then type your Ubuntu user password and enter. It will install the latest BreakTimer computer break management software on Ubuntu. Then click the show apps in the Ubuntu dock and type breaktimer in the search box and click breaktimer to open it. you can also run it by entering below command in terminal app.


Now check the system tray or topbar for Breaktime management.

BreakTimer settings

Install BreakTimer via AppImage:

Download the BreakTimer AppImage file format from the above BreakTimer download link and save it on your Downloads folder.

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Here “BreakTimer.AppImage” is my downloaded file name and “Downloads” is downloaded file path. You can change these values according to yours.

Then in your ubuntu terminal run this command to go your download location.

cd Downloads

Then run the below command to change the file permission of downloaded file.

sudo chmod +x ~ BreakTimer.AppImage

Or right click on the downloaded .AppImage file and select Properties.Then go to the Permissions section and check/enable the Executable as program option. Then close that window.

Then finally run the below command and press the enter key to start BreakTimer computer break management software.

sudo ./BreakTimer.AppImage

Install BreakTimer via DEB:

From the above BreakTimer download link download the latest version BreakTimer app in .deb file format and save it in your Downloads folder.

Open your Ubuntu terminal app (ctrl+Alt+T) and run below install command.

sudo apt install ./Downloads/BreakTimer.deb

Note: Here “BreakTimer.deb” is the downloaded file name.

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