crqt-ng eBook Reader Application

crqt-ng is a free and open source ebook reader application for Linux, Windows and MacOS. Currently it supports fb2, fb3, epub, doc, docx, odt, rtf, pdb, mobi, txt, html, chm, tcr file formats. It comes with search, two pages at same time display, book contents, copy to clipboard, hyphenation dictionaries support, font incompatible detection, css style support, TXT auto reformat, automatic encoding, HiDPI support and more.

crqt-ng eBook Reader

Download crqt-ng [Windows, MacOS]

Install crqt-ng on Ubuntu Linux

crqt-ng is available as a flatpak package file from the remote flathub. First you need to install the latest version of flatpak and flathub on your system and restart it after the installation.

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Install flatpak and flathub

Open the terminal app (ctrl+alt+t) and run below crqt-ng flatpak install command.

flatpak install flathub io.gitlab.coolreader_ng.crqt-ng

After the installation of crqt-ng you can open it using below command.

flatpak run io.gitlab.coolreader_ng.crqt-ng

And uninstall it using below command.

sudo flatpak uninstall io.gitlab.coolreader_ng.crqt-ng

That’s it.

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