How to install Bzoing Task Reminder Alarms on Ubuntu

Bzoing is a free and open source Task Reminder Alarms application for Linux. It is based on Python and Gtk3. It is released under open source MIT license. It is a simple easy to use UI. You can create new tasks from your system try. You can see the list of future tasks by using the see tasks menu and completed tasks using see past tasks. You can also set the alarm time.

Bzoing Task Reminder (3)


Install Bzoing Task Reminder on Ubuntu

Bzoing is available as a snap package on Ubuntu. You can install it via terminal application (ctrl+alt+t). Open your terminal app and run this Bzoing task reminder app snap installation command.

sudo snap install bzoing

If needed enter your ubuntu user password. You can open Bzoing via below command in terminal.


It will open as a small yellow bell on your system tray. Click it to start using bzoing.

Also Read:  Best Password Managers for Linux

Bzoing Task Reminder (1)

Now enjoy!

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