Avogadro is a free and open source molecular editor application for Linux, Windows and MacOS. You can use this application in computational chemistry, molecular modeling, bioinformatics, materials science, and many more fields. It is released under 3-clause BSD license. It is uses on VTK for analysis and visualization capabilities. It supports volume rendering for point data, or streamlines for vector fields.
Install Avogadro on Ubuntu
Avogadro is now available as a flatpak package for ubuntu linux system. Before the installation of Avogadro, you need to install flatpak and flathub on your system. Follow below link for installation help.
If you have flatpak on your system, then skip the above steps and follow the Avogadro installation instructions. Open the terminal command-line application and run this command to install Avogadro.
flatpak install flathub org.openchemistry.Avogadro2
You can open Avogadro molecular editor via this flatpak command.
flatpak run org.openchemistry.Avogadro2
That’s it.