How to install Ossia Score on Ubuntu – Interactive Sequencer

Ossia Score is a free and open source sequencer for Linux, Windows and MacOS. Using this you can create interactive shows and it is best application for audio and visual artists. You can use OSC, MIDI, DMX, sound files to create intermedia scores in your system. You can customize your scores via JavaScript. Some other features are Max/MSP, PureData, Processing, openFrameworks, Unity3D, modul8 application remote control and manually set any temporal & conditional relationships between events in your score. It is released under CeCILL license and compatible with GPLv3.

Install Ossia Score sequencer on Ubuntu:

Ossia Score sequencer is now available as a portable AppImage package for Ubuntu and linux. Using this you can install Ossia Score sequencer easily on Ubuntu. Go to the Ossia Score sequencer download page and download the latest Ossia Score sequencer in .AppImage file format.Open your terminal app (Ctrl+Alt+T) navigate to your download folder. For me its Downloads folder.

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Download Ossia Score sequencer

cd Downloads

Then type the below command in terminal and hit the enter key. It will change the Ossia Score sequencer appimage file to executable. Here “Score-v2.5.2-linux-amd64.AppImage” is downloaded file name. you also need to enter your ubuntu password. change the file name based on your downloaded file name.

sudo chmod +x ~ Score-v2.5.2-linux-amd64.AppImage

Then to launch the Ossia Score sequencer app on Ubuntu run the below command.

sudo ./Score-v2.5.2-linux-amd64.AppImage

If you don’t like the command line way then you can do it via GUI. Right click the downloaded .AppImage file and select Properties. Then go to the Permissions tab and check the Allow executing files as program option. close this window and again right click that file and select Run.

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