Extraterm Terminal Emulator

Extraterm is a free and open source highly customizable terminal emulator for Linux, Windows and MacOS. It comes with integration with Windows through WSL, CMD, and PowerShell, 24-bit color support, image within the terminal, color emoji, Command Palette, text zoom, output colorizing, and multiple windows with tiling elevate functionality.

Extraterm Terminal Emulator

Some other features are configurable key bindings to global shortcuts, Unicode support, search, support for bash, zsh, and fish., iTerm2 themes and many more.

Download Extraterm Terminal

How to Install Extraterm on Ubuntu

To install Extraterm on you system, download the latest Extraterm in .deb package file from the above download link and save it on your Downloads folder. Open the terminal app (ctrl+alt+t) and run below Extraterm apt install command. It will install the latest version of Extraterm on your system.

sudo apt install ./Downloads/extraterm*.deb


sudo apt install ./Downloads/extratermqt_0.75.0_amd64.deb

Here the downloaded file name is “extratermqt_0.75.0_amd64.deb” . You can change above command based on your downloaded file name.

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After the successful installation you can open it via the Show Apps Ubuntu dock application menu

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