How to Update all Windows Applications with UpdateHub

UpdateHub is a free and open-source Windows app updater software for Windows. Using UpdateHub, you can easily update all your installed applications in your Windows operating system, including the operating system itself and its applications. It is an easy and user-friendly application designed to streamline the software update process for your computer. It comes with an app rollback function to revert to the previous version, detailed information about each update, the ability to update apps from the Microsoft Store, and many more features.

UpdateHub app

Download UpdateHub [Windows]

Download the latest version of UpdateHub from the above download link and install it on your system. The downloaded app installer size is around 70MB. Just scan for outdated apps. In the dashboard, it will show the software health and the outdated apps.

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You can easily filter the installed apps, Microsoft Store apps, and Windows updates from the left sidebar. You can update and ignore the update with one click.

UpdateHub settings

It comes with silent and interactive update modes and dark theme support.

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