Sunamu – Display Lyrics for Currently Playing Music

Sunamu is a free and open source music controller application for Linux and Windows. It is released under Mozilla Public License 2.0. It display lyrics for currently playing music and displays spotify link for every song you listen. You can control play, pause, go to next, go to previous track, shuffle and loop the music. It fetch color schemes from the album art, Discord integration support and more.


Download Sunamu

Install Sunamu on Ubuntu Linux

Sunamu is available as a portable AppImage and native deb package files. Download the latest Sunamu in .AppImage file format from the above Sunamu download link and save it on your Downloads folder. Open the terminal commad-line application and run below commands one by one. Here “Sunamu-2.1.0.AppImage” is the downloaded file name and Downloads is the path. You can change below commands based on your file name and path.

cd Downloads
sudo chmod +x ~ Sunamu-2.1.0.AppImage

Install Sunamu via DEB:

Download Sunamu in .deb package file from the above Sunamu download link. Save that file in your Downloads folder. Now in terminal software run below Sunamu install command. It will install the latest version of Sunamu on your system.

sudo apt install ./Downloads/sunamu_2.1.0_amd64.deb

Here”sunamu_2.1.0_amd64.deb” is the downloaded file name.

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sudo apt install ./Downloads/sunamu*.deb

That’s it.

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