How to install Netbeans IDE 7.0.1 on ubuntu 11.10

To install Netbeans IDE on Ubuntu 12.04 Click Here

NOTE: JDK 6 is required for installing and running the Java SE, Java EE and All NetBeans Bundles.

To install JDK on ubuntu click here

1.Go to Netbeans download page  and download the netbeans Linux (x86/x64)  .sh installer file (like

2.Copy your Netbeans installer file to your Desktop.

3.Open Terminal.To open terminal click the Dash home from unity launcher.And type terminal in the search field.And click Terminal.

4.Type the below code in terminal and hit enter.

cd Desktop

5.Then type below code in terminal and hit enter

sudo chmod +x netbeans-*

Type your ubuntu password if needed and press enter.

Also Read:  How to Reboot Restart Ubuntu Through Command Line

6.Then type below code and press enter

sudo ./netbeans-*

7.And then install Netbeans from GUI installer window.

After the successful installation,click the Dash home from unity launcher.And type netbeans in the search field.And click Netbeans IDE 7.0.1 to open.

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This Post Has 34 Comments

  1. shiroitori

    It doesn’t work for me and I follow the instructions carefully. The GUI in step 7 never shows up. Nothing happens.

    1. Manikandan


  2. meryem

    thank youuu so much ..

  3. mamta

    On installation it showing some error on terminal like:

    Cant initialize
    Running in headless mode.

    please help …

  4. Michael

    Thank you,,it help me a lot..

  5. cezar prusac


  6. sayed mohammed


  7. harshal


    I want to access windows share files to edit in netbeans anybody has solution for it?

  8. talwinder

    thanks dear it helps me a lot

  9. me

    finally!!! thnx A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Valrg3

    VlW mesmo!!! sua dica resolveu meu problema. tudo de bom pra vc. Abraço.

  11. Stephen Harris

    Fantastic! Thank you so much. A well explained tutorial 🙂

  12. Sivam

    That was one fantastic explanation on installing Netbeans in Ubuntu… You should really make more such help files for newbie Linux Users… Thanks Mate

  13. Andi Shehi

    thank you very much body

  14. jula

    thank you so much!I tried several other commands to install Netbeans, but ended in vain. but your post helped me ! THANK YOU!

  15. Rebar_cisco

    Thank You ….. 

  16. hazim

    Thank you very much …you have done a great job, the guide works very will I got Netbeans working on my ubuntu11.10. so thank you very much.

  17. Aveesh

    Thank you.

    Maybe you could also explain why this works and just double clicking doesnt! Of course, chmod is the key – but newbies will thank you more!


  18. Nate

    Thanks, it worked with no problem! very easy to follow.

  19. Ela

    Thank you !

    very helpful explanation,
    specially sixth part.


  20. david

    this article help me so much thumbs up to the person who post this article.

  21. Aks

    Thanks, it works just one more question /usr/local/netbeans

    can we start netbeans manually without going to the unity launcher from desktop

    can we create the desktop launcher for it ?

    if yes the please mention the steps for it.

    Thanks Once Again.

    1. Aks

      Please also mention the steps for removing it either manually or through synaptic package manger.

      is it a good idea to install netbeans in /home so that we can have permission control over the files?

      Looking forward for your comments.

  22. Mo'tasem

    Can`t initialize UI
    That is The Erorr displayed to me
    What is the solution ?
    Please, Reply …

    1. admin


  23. Rock Lee

    Thankx for the help.It worked perfectly.

  24. chris d

    Top stuff – thanks a bunch – great tut
    Can now run Jasper Ireport

  25. Pingback: Making the change from and Windows to php and Linux | KimIT

  26. moses

    thanks man the stuff has just worked

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