WP Live Stream – Twitter like stream on your WordPress website

WP Live Stream is a free wordpress plugin and it provides a widget for live or event blogging updates into a Twitter-like stream on your WordPress website.

Main features:

highly configurable
automagical real-time refresh
built in support for short codes with configuration settings
Connect your Twitter account to WP Live Stream
Clear your database of previous tweets or archive them
Choose font colours, widths, background colours, update colours

Login to wordpress (wp-admin).
In your admin dashboard click plugins and select Add New.
Type WP Live Stream in the search field and click Search Plugins button.
Install WP Live Stream.
After the successfully Installation click the activate Plugin link to activate the plugin.

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Download WP Live Stream wordpress plugin. Download link.
Unzip and upload it to your WordPress wp-content/plugins directory.
Login to wp-admin. In your admin dashboard click plugins and activate the WP Live Stream wordpress plugin.


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