WordPress FAQs Manager

FAQs Manager is a free wordpress plugin to easily manage the frequently asked questions for your website.

Main features:

Add, Edit, Delete and Order Question
Filter and search Faqs Group Admin Side
Manage your Faqs Question
Filter and search Faqs Question Admin Side
Bulk Action with Move Quetion to Another Group
Custom CSS and Java Script for FAQs Listing Page.
Fully Customizable FAQs Search, Ask Question Form and Listing.
Ask Question Form with Captcha.
get an email notification when the user/member has been asked question.
Send an email notification to the user/member when the question has been answered.

To install FAQs Manager

Login to wordpress (wp-admin).
In your admin dashboard click plugins and select Add New.
Type FAQs Manager in the search field and click Search Plugins button.
Install FAQs Manager.
After the successfully Installation click the activate Plugin link to activate the plugin.

Also Read:  How to Limit Failed Login Attempt Attacks in WordPress


Download FAQs Manager wordpress plugin. Download link
Unzip and upload it to your WordPress wp-content/plugins directory.
Login to wp-admin. In your admin dashboard click plugins and activate the FAQs Manager wordpress plugin.

Download FAQs Manager

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