WordPress Digital and analog clock widget

Digital and analog clock widget is a wordpress plugin and it allows you to add a clock to your wordpress site.


Any clock title
Any clock size
Two clock types (analog or digital)
Two clock face styles (12 or 24 hours)
local computer time or your timezone
Change colors of clock body, clock face, second hand and face background
add YOUR COUNTRY FLAG as background to your clock face

1. Download Digital and analog clock widget wordpress plugin. Download link.

2. Unzip and upload it to your WordPress wp-content/plugins directory.

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3. Login to wp-admin. In your admin dashboard click plugins and activate the Digital and analog clock widget (Clock) wordpress plugin.

4. Then go to Appearance menu and select Widgets.

5.Drag and drop clock from Available widgets to your widget area(sidebar) and select options.

Download Digital and analog clock widget

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