Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) released

Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) is now available for download.what’s new in this release?

This is a Long Term Support (LTS) release (5 years).
The Head-Up Display (HUD).
new Video Lens.
Nautilus quicklist support .
IPv6 and IPv4 are now equally supported in Network Manage.
improved Startup time and overall responsiveness.
Linux v3.2.14 Kernel.
default run time for Java is OpenJDK 6b24

Upstart 1.5.
default music player Rhythmbox.
LibreOffice 3.5.2
GNOME 3.4.1
Remmina with FreeRDP is the new standard remote desktop client.
installing new software through software-center, corresponding language support packages are now installed alongside automatically.
Payment support for PayPal.

Also Read:  PoryDrive Car Physics Simulation Game

Download Ubuntu 12.04

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