The Dark Mod Thief game – How to install The Dark Mod on Ubuntu

The Dark Mod is a free stealth type standalone video game for Linux, Mac and Windows. It is similar to the popular Thief game but in the Doom 3 engine. In this game you need to control an agile thief to avoid various threats. This game comes with build in level editor using it you can build your own mission levels.

Minimum system requirements: 2GB RAM, 30GB disk space, least a DX9 capable GPU and 512MB VRAM.

Install The Dark Mod on Ubuntu 64bit:

Open your terminal and run the below command one by one. It will create the dark mod folder in your /usr/share/games  folder and give the proper permissions for that folder.

sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/games/darkmod
sudo chown -R nobody:users /usr/share/games/darkmod
sudo chmod uga+w /usr/share/games/darkmod

Now download the The Dark Mod updater zip-package file in the darkmod folder and extract it.

cd /usr/share/games/darkmod
chmod uga+x ./tdm_update.linux64

Now run the The Dark mod updater to download the game.

cd /usr/share/games/darkmod
./tdm_update.linux64 --noselfupdate

Wait until the updater ends. The download size is around 3.5 GB. After that give the Dark Mod Thief binary the execution permission.

chmod uga+x ./thedarkmod.x64

Then run the game using the below command.

cd /usr/share/games/darkmod; ./thedarkmod.x64


That’s all.

If you get any error related to libopenal1, then using below command install it first and after start the installation process.

sudo apt-get install libopenal1

And if you get this error (please check this link), the solution is available here 

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You need to change the timezone like this and then run it.

sudo ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Tehran /etc/localtime

You can uninstall the dark mod via the below command in terminal.

sudo rm -rf /usr/share/games/darkmod

Install The Dark Mod on Ubuntu 32bit:

You can easily download and install The Dark Mod on Ubuntu via the unofficial deb file installer by Freyk. This is available only for 32bit system.

Download The Dark Mod installer:

Go to the above download link and download the 32 bit The Dark Mod Installer DEB Package. At the time of writing the downloaded file name is “TheDarkMod.deb”. You dont need to download all the installers . Just download the .deb file installer. or directly download from here

In Ubuntu the default download location is Downloads folder. Open your terminal app and type the below command and hit enter.

cd Downloads

Then run the below command.

sudo dpkg -i TheDarkMod.deb

It will run the open the installer. And it download and install the game. The download size is around 3.5 GB.

After the installation of The Dark Mod, click the show applications in the Ubuntu Gnome dock and type The Dark Mod in the search box and click The Dark Mod to open it.

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