Youtube new video manager

Youtube rolling out an updated video manager with some new features. What’s new?

Simplified top and left navigation bars.
Icons to indicate privacy status, if monetization is enabled and scheduled publish status.
Badges to indicate whether videos are HD, Creative Commons and/or captioned.
A new look.

To try out the new design, go to the Video Manager and click try it now.

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Enable the new YouTube design

Now youtube has a new design with some google+ integration and content discovery features. The new YouTube design is being rolled out in stages, and for those who haven’t yet received access to it, follow the below steps to enable it.

Open your browser’s development tools (only firefox and chrome)

In Firefox: Ctrl + Shift + K (Win) | Cmd + Shift + K (Mac)

In Chrome: Ctrl + Shift + J (Win) | or Cmd + Alt + J (Mac)

Then add below code to the console and hit enter.


close the browser development tool and reload the youtube page.


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Youtube new features

1.Redesigned Video End-Screen – to make it easier for you to find the next video.
2.Enhanced Playlist Bar.
3.Updated page.
4.WeVideo Now on YouTube.
5.Smart Subscribe button.
6.Added Kenya, the Philippines and Singapore to the list of countries where YouTube is localized, bringing this total number to 35.


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