PHP Compatibility Checker – Check your wordpress website for compatibility for PHP 7

PHP Compatibility Checker is a free wordpress plugin to check your wordpress website for compatibility for PHP 7, PHP 5.6, PHP 5.5, PHP 5.4 and PHP 5.3. You can use this plugin on any web host to check PHP version compatibility. This plugin is from WP Engine and it lint your wordpress theme and plugin code and give you a detailed report of compatibility issues. Note that PHP Compatibility Checker cannot detect runtime compatibility issues on your wordpress site. PHP Compatibility Checker uses WP-Cron to scan files in your wordpress website to find issues.


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How to add icons in WordPress Website Menu – Menu Icons

Menu Icons ia a free wordpress plugin from Dzikri Aziz and joshuairl. It adds icons to your navigation menu items. It will enhance your wensite look and feel. Currently it supports Dashicons, Elusive Icons, Font Awesome Icons, Foundation Icons, Genericons, Fontello icon, Image SVG file attachments.


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Ad Inserter – Automatically insert Ad in WordPress Site – before or after any HTML element in post, content, paragraph, excerpt or page

Ad Inserter is a free wordpress ad management plugin from Igor Funa. It is also available as Ad Inserter pro in a paid form. Using this plugin, you can insert any ad into your WordPress site. It is perfect plugin to insert anything anywhere on the wordpress post or page. The free version comes with 16 code blocks and a syntax highlighting editor and you can preview the code with the visual CSS editor.


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Secure your WordPress Website – Wordfence Security

Wordfence Security is a free WordPress security plugin from Feedjit Inc. It is also available as a paid form. This is must have security plugin for WordPress. The free version comes with a firewall, malware scan, blocking, live real-time traffic and login security. And the pro version offers Premium Support, Country Blocking, Scheduled Scans and Password Auditing.



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