Best time to share on Facebook and Twitter

According to bitly,

Posting links to Twitter between the hours of 1 pm and 3pm EST will give you the highest click count.Posting after 8 pm should be avoided.The peak traffic times for Twitter are 9am through 3pm, Monday through Thursday.Avoid posting on the weekends.

Posting links to facebook between the hours of 1 pm and 4pm EST give you the highest click count.The peak time of the week was on Wednesday at 3pm.Avoid posting on the weekends.

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WordPress Mini twitter feed

Mini twitter feed is a free wordpress plugin to embed twitter feed on your wordpress website.

Main features:

Show up to 100 tweets within 7 days.
Use the color of your link profile on Twitter.
Display tweets from your feed or from the Twitter Search.
Display tweets from a list or from your favorite users.
Stylize your feed with your Cascading Style Sheet or with other jquery plugins.

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Add facebook like box style twitter widget to wordpress

WP Twitter Mega Fan Box Widget is a free wordpress plugin to add facebook like box style twitter widget to wordpress site.

Main features:

Settings page
Width and height of widget can be changed based on your theme size
Background color and text color of almost all fields can be changed
Footer link can be customized

To install WP Twitter Mega Fan Box Widget

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MetroTwit 1.0 released

MetroTwit 1.0 is now available for download.MetroTwit is a windows twitter client with Metro UI. To know more about MetroTwit click here.

What’s new in this release?

Added multiple account support
Added support for filtering
Added new out-of-box-experience for first time users
Added ability to preview larger user avatars
Added undo tweet functionality
Added Twitter events support for user follows, list membership and tweet favorites
Added support for adding users to lists
Added user full name to username autocomplete
Added CTRL+F shortcut to quickly activate search
Added remove column confirmation
Added faux border for when DWM shadows are not available
Added sidebar artwork
Added “compact sidebar” functionality
Added button to indicate custom column sizing
Added CTRL+TAB shortcut to switch between accounts
Added left/right arrow shortcut to navigate columns
Added add to filter shortcut by right clicking on hashtags and usernames
Added double-click column heading shortcut to scroll to top and mark tweets as read
Added “duplicate tweet “error message
Added ability to mention user from profile options
Added inline errors to application and columns
Added error prompt about Windows 8 compatibility

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TweetDeck 1.3.0 released

TweetDeck 1.3.0 is now available for download. what’s new in this version?

create, edit and delete lists directly in the app.
dedicated Lists button on the toolbar.
all user profiles have an “Add or Remove from lists” menu item.
added two columns to TweetDeck.
new Interactions column, available under the Add Column button.
new column type called Activity.
inline media previews.
small preview of images and videos.
replaced “Quote” with “Edit & RT,” .

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