jExifToolGUI – Write & Edit File Metadata

jExifToolGUI is a free and open source file metadata editor for Linux, Windows and MacOS. It is written in Java and released under GNU General Public License v3.0. It is a graphical frontend and based on ExifTool. Using this application you can almost edit all meta information in a file. It supports exif, gps, xmp, many cameras, JFIF, GeoTIFF, ICC Profile, Photoshop IRB, FlashPix and many more.


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How to Install jExifToolGUI on Ubuntu Linux

jExifToolGUI is available as a native deb, portable AppImage and flatpak package files. Download the latest version of jExifToolGUI in .AppImage file format from the above download link and save it on your Downloads folder. Open the terminal app (ctrl+alt+t) and run below commands one by one.

cd Downloads
sudo chmod +x ~ jExifToolGUI-2.0.1-x86_64.AppImage

Here “jExifToolGUI-2.0.1-x86_64.AppImage” is the downloaded file name.

Also Read:  How to Save File Using Nano Editor

Install jExifToolGUI via Flatpak:

If you don’t have then install flatpak and flathub on your system And restart it after the installation. Now in the terminal command-line app run below jExifToolGUI flatpak install command.

flatpak install flathub io.github.hvdwofl.jExifToolGUI

You can start jExifToolGUI using below command.

flatpak run io.github.hvdwofl.jExifToolGUI

And uninstall jExifToolGUI using

sudo flatpak uninstall io.github.hvdwofl.jExifToolGUI

Install jExifToolGUI via DEB:

Download the latest version of jExifToolGUI in .deb package file format and save in your Downloads folder. In the terminal tool run below command. Here “jexiftoolgui-2.0.1.deb” is the downloaded file name.

sudo apt install ./Downloads/jexiftoolgui-2.0.1.deb

That’s it.

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