HTMLDOC is a free and open source HTML converter application for Windows, Linux and MacOS. Using HTMLDOC, you can convert HTML, Markdown source files, web pages to EPUB, HTML, PostScript, or PDF files with an optional table of contents. It is released under GNU General Public License v2.0.
Download HTMLDOC [Windows,MacOS,Linux]
How to Install HTMLDOC on Ubuntu
HTMLDOC is available as a flatpak package file from the flathub store. If you don’t have flatpak and flathub on your system then first install flatpak and flathub and restart it after the installation.
Now in the terminal software (ctrl+alt+t) run below HTMLDOC flatpak installation command.
flatpak install flathub org.msweet.htmldoc
After successful installation of HTMLDOC, you can open it using this command.
flatpak run org.msweet.htmldoc
And also uninstall HTMLDOC using this commands.
flatpak uninstall org.msweet.htmldoc
sudo flatpak uninstall org.msweet.htmldoc
That’s it.