LiVES is a Free, Open Source video editor.LiVES mixes realtime video performance and non-linear editing in one professional quality application.
To install LiVES on ubuntu 11.10
1.Open Terminal.To open terminal click the Dash home from unity launcher.And type terminal in the search field. And click Terminal.
2.Type the below code in terminal and hit enter.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ferramroberto/lives
Type your ubuntu password if needed and press enter.
3.Then press enter to continue or ctrl-c to cancel adding the ppa.
4.Type below command and hit enter
sudo apt-get update
5.Then type below command and press enter
sudo apt-get install lives
6.Type y and hit enter to continue the installtion.
After the successful installation,click the Dash home from unity launcher.And type LiVES in the search field.And click LiVES.