Cinnamon 2.4 is now available for download.It will be featured in Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca planned for the end of November and in LMDE 2 Betsy planned for Spring 2015. What’s new in this release?
Fixed 30 memory leaks in this version.
Improved Responsiveness and memory usage.
Cinnamon desktop now starts with a zoom animation.
Login sound is now handled directly by Cinnamon and plays in sync with the login sequence.
Modules in Cinnamon Settings and categories in the application menu are now sorted alphabetically.
Super+e now opens up the home directory.
multiple panel launchers
improvements in the sound applet
removal of the timeout in the logout dialog.
supported Single-button touchpads.
Compositing in full-screen mode is now configurable.
The desktop font is now configurable.
Now possible to give the screensaver a custom date format, and custom fonts.