Chess Comp Stomp with Hacks

Chess Comp Stomp with Hacks is a free and open source chess game for Linux. Using this game you can win the chess AI using some hacks. Hacks are in tactics, eliteness and rule warping categories. Currently available hacks are pawn boost, extra pawn, super castling, anti stalemate, extra & upgrades queen, tactical nuke, diagonal rooks and more.

Chess Comp Stomp with Hacks apps

Install Chess Comp Stomp with Hacks on Ubuntu

You can install this Chess Comp Stomp with Hacks chess game using below flatpak command. But first you need to install the latest version of flatpak and flathub on your system. Follow below for the flatpak and flathub installation instructions.

Also Read:  timedatectl Command in Linux

Install flatpak and flathub

After that open the terminal command-line app (ctrl+alt+t) and run below Chess Comp Stomp with Hacks game flatpak install command. It will install the latest version of Chess Comp Stomp with Hacks.

flatpak install flathub io.github.dtsudo.ChessCompStompWithHacks

After the installation, open this chess game using below command. You can also open it using the shows applications menu.

flatpak run io.github.dtsudo.ChessCompStompWithHacks

Chess Comp Stomp with Hacks game

And uninstall it using below command.

sudo flatpak uninstall io.github.dtsudo.ChessCompStompWithHacks

That’s all.

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