New redesigned Flickr released

Flickr has undergone a major redesigned and rolled out a lot of new features for both desktop and mobile users. What’s new in this release?

Camera Roll

New Uploadr for Mac and Windows.
A New Camera Roll in the Cloud- made it easy to access and view your entire catalog of images, organize your photos.
new bulk editing features.
new Magic View.
download photos and videos in zip format.
New innovative image search.
Filter images by color, size and orientation.
new Flickr mobile apps on iPhone, iPad, iPod, Apple TV, Android.


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Edge won’t support ActiveX, VBScript, attachEvent

Microsoft has revealed that Microsoft Edge browser won’t support ActiveX, VBScript, attachEvent and more.

Microsoft Edge
Complete list:

Browser Helper Objects (BHO)
Document modes
Vector Markup Language (VML)
conditional comments
IE8 layout quirks
DirectX Filters and transitions

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WordPress 4.2.2 Released

WordPress 4.2.2 is now available for download. This is a critical security release for all previous versions.What’s new in this release?

The Genericons icon font package contained an HTML file vulnerable to a cross-site scripting attack. All
affected themes and plugins hosted on (including the Twenty Fifteen default theme) have been updated today by the WordPress security team to address this issue by removing this nonessential file. WordPress 4.2.2 proactively scans the wp-content directory for this HTML file and removes it.

WordPress versions 4.2 and earlier are affected by a critical cross-site scripting vulnerability.

Hardening for a potential cross-site scripting vulnerability when using the visual editor.

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Microsoft Office 2016 Preview released

Microsoft Office 2016 Public Preview is now available for download and testing and open to everyone.What’s new in this release?
Office 2016 Preview

Attach files from OneDrive and automatically configure permission for the recipients without leaving Outlook.
Addition of new dark and colorful themes
Create, open, edit and save Office files in the cloud from your desktop.
Real-time co-authoring.
Applications will learn as you work.
One-click forecasting.
Intuitive data connecting and shaping capabilities.
Easy data modeling and powerful analysis.
Publish to Microsoft Power BI Preview.
New modern charts and graphs.
Data Loss Protection (DLP).
Outlook Multi-factor authentication.
Information Rights Management (IRM).
Better network traffic management.
Enhanced distribution management.
Flexible update management.
Simplified activation management.

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Bartolomeo Cristofori’s 360 birthday google doodle

Google is celebrating Bartolomeo Cristofori’s 360 birthday with a new interactive piano doodle on its homepage.

Bartolomeo Cristofori's 360 birthday google doodle

Bartolomeo Cristofori di Francesco (4 May 1655 – 27 January 1731) was an Italian maker of musical instruments, generally regarded as the inventor of the piano. Cristofori was born in Padua in the Republic of Venice.

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Labour Day 2015 google doodle

Google is celebrating Labour Day 2015 with a new doodle on its homepage.Labour Day is an annual holiday to celebrate the achievements of workers.

Labour Day 2015 google doodle

Labour Day has its origins in the labour union movement, specifically the eight-hour day movement, which advocated eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight hours for rest. For many countries, Labour Day is synonymous with, or linked with, International Workers’ Day, which occurs on 1 May. For other countries, Labour Day is celebrated on a different date, often one with special significance for the labour movement in that country.

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