How to solve Super cache wordPress Plugin Blank Page problem

Today when i click on the Delete Cache button on Super cache Plugin settings page, my wordpress dashboard goes blank along with whole site. After some investigation, i found that the fault was because of Super cache wordpress plugin and i need to uninstall (complete removal of super cache plugin) and  reinstall the Super cache plugin.


Solve Plugin Blank Page problem because of Super cache wordPress plugin:

Take backup first

1.Turn off the caching and deactivate the plugin. If you unable to access your wordpress admin dashboard, just go to wp-content/plugins folder via FTP or your site’s control panel file manager and rename the wp-super-cache folder to .wp-super-cache folder.

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2.Then open the wp-config.php file from your wordpress root folder. And remove

define('WP_CACHE', true); //Added by WP-Cache Manager

line and save the file.

3.If you find any Super Cache mod_rewrite rules from your .htaccess file, just delete and save the file.

4.Delete wp-content/advanced-cache.php and wp-content/wp-cache-config.php files from your server.And also Delete wp-content/cache/ and wp-content/plugins/wp-super-cache directories

Now your wordpress site will work. Just install the Super cache wordPress Plugin again and activate it. It will solve the problem.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Julia

    Thank you very much! This article helped me when WordPress site and admin dashboard were unaccessible!

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