Scribes – ultra minimalist text editor

Scribes is an ultra minimalist text editor with remote editing,automatic word completion and many more.

Main features:

Extensible via Python plugins.
Remote editing (ftp, sftp, ssh, samba, webdav, webdavs).
Automatic word completion,correction and replacement,pair character completion and smart insertion,indentation.
Powerful text processing and manipulation functions.
Bookmarks and smart navigation.
Document Switcher.
Syntax colors for over 30 languages.
To install scribes on ubuntu 11.04

1.Open the terminal and type

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mystilleef/scribes-daily

hit enter and type ubuntu password. then type below command and hit enter.

sudo apt-get update

type below command and hit enter.

sudo apt-get install scribes

2.After the successful installation click Applications icon or unity dash from unity launcher. And type scribes in the search applications field. And click scribes text editor.

Also Read:  How to Browse Stack Overflow From Command line Using SoCLI

Scribes Homepage

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