Install WordPress using Fantastico in cPanel

1.Log into your cpanel hosting account
. the fantastico icon.

3.In the fantastico home click on the wordpress under blogs section.

4.Now you will see the wordpress page and installation options.

5.First is installation location.under this you see
a).Install on domain: select your domain from the dropdown box.
b).Install in directory: Leave this blank if you want WordPress to be installed in the root of the domain.For example you will access WordPress at .
If you want to specify a different directory, type it in this field. For example if you put “blog” in the field, the url will be .

6.Admin access data
a).Now you enter administrator username and
b).Enter admin passward for your future wordpress access.

Also Read:  How to Add Contact Form in WordPress

7.Base configuration
a).Admin nickname:Enter your admin nickname (ex:admin)
b).Admin e-mail: Enter your email address.(ex:[email protected])
c).Site name: Enter your sitename(
d).Description: Something about yoursite

8.Click install wordpress button.

9.The installation will tell you what updates have been made. Click the Finish Installation button.

10.Click back to wordpress button or you have the option to email the details of the installation to someone.

11.If you click back to wordpress button you will see the current installations section.In this section,click visit site for view your site and remove for remove your wordpress installation.

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