3 best Lorem Ipsum Generator wordpress plugin

WP Lorem Ipsum Generator

WP Lorem Ipsum Generator wordpress plugin places a button on wordpress editor toolbar. And it add the Lorem Ipsum text to a post, page or any other custom post type.

Main features

Lets you enter how many words you’d like to generate
Can be used on any wysiwyg editor panel
Randomised paragraphs & sentences

WP Example Content

WP Example Content wordpress plugin adds example post content to the wordpress site. This plugin is best for wordpress theme developers.

Key features

Add Bundle of Sample Posts option
Remove All Sample Posts option
Add multiple bundle.

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lorem shortcode

lorem shortcode wordpress plugin uses two shortcodes to generate dummy text and image. The short codes are [lorem] and [loremimage].


[lorem p=”2″ l=”14″ align=”left”]
[loremimage size=”250×250″ style=”padding:6px;”]

[lorem] options

p=Number of paragraphs.Default is 5
l=Number of lines per paragraph.Default is 3
align=This tells how you’d like to allign a nested shortcode. options are left or right. Default is right

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