WordPress 4.6 Pepper released

Wordpress 4.6 is now available download or update from dashboard. WordPress is a free open source content management system or blogging platform based on PHP and MySQL. This released named “Pepper” in honor of  jazz baritone saxophonist Park Frederick “Pepper” Adams III. It is available in 52 languages. What’s new in this release?

Wordpress 4.6 comes with Streamlined Updates.This feature let you stay on the same page while you update, install, and delete your plugins and themes.Now the WordPress dashboard uses already available fonts to load it faster and look native feel.

wordpress 4.6

This version also comes with two new editor features, Inline Link Checker and Content Recovery. Inline link checker is automatic link checker and Content recovery saves the content to the browser and recovers saved content.

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The other important features are Resource Hints, Robust HTTP api Requests, new WP_Term_Query and WP_Post_Type classes, Meta Registration API improments, Translations On Demand and Customizer APIs for Setting Validation and Notifications.

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