Bitly improvements – Speedier Shortening

bitly announced some new changes in the new design.Now just paste a link into the “Paste a link here…” box at the top of the page and it will be instantly saved.That means now no second click needed and the shortlink will be right there ready for you to copy.

Some other new changes:

Copy and customize buttons on the newly expanded stats page
Chrome extension will now automatically add highlighted text to the notes field.
iPhone app 1.01 — fixes crashes when running on iPad, expands support for creating a new account without Facebook or Twitter.
Bulk actions got easier with the new dropdown button.
Gazillions of small bug fixes and UI tweaks.


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Best time to share on Facebook and Twitter

According to bitly,

Posting links to Twitter between the hours of 1 pm and 3pm EST will give you the highest click count.Posting after 8 pm should be avoided.The peak traffic times for Twitter are 9am through 3pm, Monday through Thursday.Avoid posting on the weekends.

Posting links to facebook between the hours of 1 pm and 4pm EST give you the highest click count.The peak time of the week was on Wednesday at 3pm.Avoid posting on the weekends.

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