Mozilla firefox 7 aurora 2 released

Mozilla firefox 7 aurora 2 is now available for download and testing.But Aurora releases may not be as stable as beta or final releases. what’s new in this firefox aurora?

Faster startup time on Mac, Windows, and Linux
memory use is reduced by 30 percent or more, responsiveness is enhanced
The JavaScript garbage collector runs frequently to free up more memory when Firefox is idle
Bookmarks and passwords now sync instantly
Fonts are rendered clear and sharp

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Mozilla firefox 5 aurora 2

Mozilla firefox 5 aurora 2 is now available for download and testing.But Aurora releases may not be as stable as beta or final releases.To know more about new development channels and repositories for rapid releases  Click Here .

Aurora – builds created out of the mozilla-aurora repository, which is synced from mozilla-central every 6 weeks. There is a small amount of QA at the start of the 6 week period before the updates are offered.

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