SciDAVis is a free and open source interactive data analysis, plotting and visualization software for Linux, Windows and MacOS. It comes with tables, matrices, graphs and notes support, multi-level undo and redo, column row statistics, (de)convolution, FFT and FFT-based filters, fitting linear and nonlinear functions and export to EPS, PDF, JPG, PNG, EPS, PDF, SVG file formats. It is released under GNU General Public License version 2.0 (GPLv2).
Download SciDAVis [Windows. MacOS]
Install SciDAVis on Ubuntu Linux
SciDAVis is available as a flatpak package file from remote flathub. If you don’t have flatpak and flathub on your system, the first install it and restart your system. Follow below link for installation instructions.
Install flatpak and flathub on Ubuntu
Now open the terminal app (ctrl+alt+t) and run below SciDAVis flatpak installation command. It will install the latest version of SciDAVis application on Ubuntu Linux.
flatpak install flathub net.sourceforge.scidavis
Open SciDAVis using below command.
flatpak run net.sourceforge.scidavis
And uninstall SciDAVis using this command.
sudo flatpak uninstall net.sourceforge.scidavis
That’s it.