Personalize your Twitter profile with unique backgrounds

It’s more important than ever for Twitter users to create unique backgrounds for their profiles. Particularly if you have a Twitter account for the purpose of marketing a blog or a business, it’s pivotal that you distinguish your account so as to make it more memorable to users perusing Twitter. Customizing the design of your Twitter profile will give you that much more of an edge to attract more followers. What’s more, it’s a cheap (and often free) way to reinvigorate your social media presence. Here are some quick sites to refer to if you want to update your profile.

From the Twitter homepage

If you’re looking for a quick solution to personalize your profile’s appearance, look no further than the Twitter homepage. Here you can start find some basic customization options offered at no cost to the user. After logging into your Twitter account, select the “Settings” tab at the top of the page, and then click on “Design.” From here you can choose from premade background layouts or upload an image of your own choosing or design from your computer. You can also customize the color scheme of your profile from this menu.


This site offers a wide array of background designs that you can upload using the method described above. You can browse the site’s dozens of pages or sort your search for templates by category, ranging from sports-themed to nature-themed. The templates are all designed in-house by the website’s designers and posses a professional, sleek aesthetic. While the premade templates are free, you can pay a fee to have designers from the site build a completely custom layout for your Twitter account. This service may be appealing if you’re using Twitter as the primary marketing resource for your blog or business. A distinctive look for your Twitter might help you attract new followers!

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Themeleon is a background customization service offered through COLOURlovers, a site known and respected for their beautiful web designs and vivid color palettes. COLOURlovers monitors trends in web design, so you know that they have a good idea about what colors and motifs would be the most attention-grabbing. Themeleon offers an array of gorgeous premade backgrounds and color schemes that you can upload to your Twitter profile. The site also displays a sample Twitter account homepage that changes with each template you select so you can see exactly how it would look on your own profile.


This guest post is contributed by Mariana Ashley.

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