How to install and configure Apache,PHP,MySql and phpMyadmin on windows

Step 1:
Installing apache

Download the best available version of Apache web server for Windows from this Download link


Win32 Binary without crypto (no mod_ssl) (MSI Installer)


Win32 Binary including OpenSSL

Here we using Apache HTTP Server (httpd) 2.2.17 Win32 Binary including OpenSSL
Double click the installer->Click next->check i accept the terms in the licence agreement and click next->Next->
Now see the below image to fill the server information


Continue ReadingHow to install and configure Apache,PHP,MySql and phpMyadmin on windows

WP Google Weather wordpress plugin

Author’s Description:
This WordPress plugin displays a weather widget using the unofficial Google weather API.
Some of its features shows today’s weather,weather forecast for next 3 days,specifiy output language,Celsius or Fahrenheit format,predefined CSS style,shortcodes to add the widget on single pages and posts and valid XHTML output

To add WP Google Weather wordpress plugin to your WordPress blog

1. Download WP Google Weather wordpress plugin from this link.

Continue ReadingWP Google Weather wordpress plugin

Install Adobe Reader on Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx)

  • Post last modified:October 21, 2010
  • Post category:Linux
  • Post author:


1.Go to System-> Administration-> Software Sources.(If it ask for password type your password and press OK)
2.Select other Software
3.Select Add and enter:

deb lucid partner

4.Open terminal.To open terminal go to Applications-> Accessories-> Terminal and type

sudo aptitude install acroread


Continue ReadingInstall Adobe Reader on Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx)