Ubuntu One for Windows released

Ubuntu One for Windows is now available for download. Ubuntu One is a storage application and service operated by Canonical and the service enables users to store and sync files online and between computers.Ubuntu One Free account includes 5 GB of cloud storage and additional 20 GB of storage for just $3.99 per month.

Support:Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 (22 MB)

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Global microprocessor revenue market share

According to iSuppli ( Market research firm ) , in second quarter Total Global microprocessor revenue market share of intel is 81.8 percent, up 1.1 percentage from 80.7 percent in the second quarter of 2010.Total Global microprocessor revenue market share of AMD in second quarter is 10.4 percent, down 1.2 percentage from 11.6 percent in the second quarter of 2010.

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Flickr Photo Session

Flickr has introduced Photo Session. Photo Session is a new feature from Flickr and it allows a group of people (Up to 10 people) browse and view photos and and comment on them together from mobile (iPhone, or iPad) and desktop in real time. When one user moves on to the next photo, everybody moves.

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Amazon Silk web browser

Today Amazon introduced a new web browser called Silk.And it powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) and available exclusively on the just announced Kindle Fire.Silk cuts down on load times and request times by splitting the workload between the tablet and Amazon’s EC2.Silk makes a dynamic decision about which of these subsystems will run locally and which will execute remotely.


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How to install recordMyDesktop on linux mint 11

  • Post last modified:September 28, 2011
  • Post category:Linux
  • Post author:

RecordMyDesktop is a free open source linux desktop screencasting program and it producing an ogg encapsulated theora and vorbis output file.

To install recordMyDesktop on linux mint 11

1.Open linux mint software manager.To open software manager in linux mint, click Menu button and select software manager under system.

2.Type recordMyDesktop in the software manager search field and select gtk-recordMyDesktop.

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Mozilla firefox 7 final released

Mozilla firefox 7 final is now available for download from Mozilla’s FTP site. It is currently not available on the firefox official homepage but expected to be available in few days.
what’s new in this firefox 7?

Improved memory use
Fixed several stability issues
Added a new rendering backend to speed up Canvas operations on Windows systems
Bookmark and password changes now sync almost instantly when using Firefox Sync
Added support for text-overflow: ellipsis and the Web Timing specification
Added an opt-in system for users to send performance data back to Mozilla to improve future versions of Firefox.

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Google+ hits 43.4 million users

According to Paul Allen (Ancestry.com co-founder and unofficial Google+ statistician), Google+ has 43.4 million users now and Google+ witnessed a 30% increase in users in the two days following its official opening to all users over age 18. According to Hitwise,Visits to Google Plus increased by 1269% last week and received 15 million U.S. visits, up from 1.1 million.

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