Ada Lovelace’s 197th birthday google doodle

Google is celebrating Ada Lovelace’s 197th birthday with the evolution of computers doodle on its homepage.

Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace (10 December 1815 – 27 November 1852), born Augusta Ada Byron and now commonly known as Ada Lovelace, was an English mathematician and writer chiefly known for her work on Charles Babbage’s early mechanical general-purpose computer, the Analytical Engine.she is sometimes considered the world’s first computer programmer

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Youtube – a new look

Once again google is changing the look and feel of the video hosting site youtube.

What’s new?

The subscription Guide is now everywhere, and it showcases your channel activity to your fans.
All the video information and engagement are consolidated below the video player.
Now its easier to subscribe with enhanced channel recommendations.


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WordPress 3.5 Release Candidate 3 released

WordPress 3.5 Release Candidate 3 is now available for download and testing.What’s new in this RC?

Final UI improvements for the new media manager.
Show more information about uploading errors when they occur.
When inserting an image into a post, don’t forget the alternative text.
Fixes for the new admin button styles.
Improvements for mobile devices, Internet Explorer, and right-to-left languages.
Fix cookies for subdomain installs when multisite is installed in a subdirectory.
Fix ms-files.php rewriting for very old multisite installs.

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Email Tweets Directly From Twitter’s Website

Email Tweets Directly From Twitter’s Website

Twitter has started rolling out the new feature, email tweets from new twitter feature allows you to send a tweet directly to someone with comments.

To email tweets to your friends

1.Hover the tweet and click the more link beside the Reply, Retweet, and Favorite links and select Email Tweet.


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TeamViewer 8 released

TeamViewer 8 is now available for download.What’s new in this version?

Session handover
Comment on sessions
Group sharing
Remote printing
Schedule online meetings easily in Microsoft Outlook
Session recording, including sound and video
Remote sound and video
Remote account logout
Automatically log out of operating systems after remote access
Completely new TeamViewer Management Console
Modern Multi-Touch gestures
Improved Windows 8 support
Retina support
QuickSupport with your TeamViewer account data

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