NoDoFollow Add-on for Firefox 4

NoDoFollow 1.1 by zacharyfox is not available for firefox 4. Jayce from changed the installer to make it works on Firefox 4.0

1.Download new NoDoFollow 1.3 plugin from here.

2.Install it and restart firefox.

3.If you want to check a blog is do-follow or no-follow, right click on any part of your webpage in firefox and click NoDoFollow. Do-Follow links turns BLUE and No-Follow turns RED.

Also Read:  How to Install Firefox Nightly in Ubuntu

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Samantha

    Thanks for this i’ve been looking for this plugin to be compatible with firefox 4.

  2. Tim:

    Hi, Thanks for the Information love this Add-On

  3. Deebo

    Great Post! I’ve been looking for this!

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