Install NCSA Mosaic on Ubuntu – First Graphical web Browser

Yes its true, now you can easily install NCSA Mosaic on Ubuntu via snap. For those who dont know about Mosaic, NCS Mosaic (1993-1997) is one of the first graphical web browser to display images inline with text and developed by National Center for Supercomputing Applications. It supports Archie, FTP, gopher, HTTP, NNTP, telnet and WAIS internet protocols. Some interesting facts are Microsoft licensed Mosaic from Spyglass to create the first Internet Explorer in 1995 and Netscape Navigator was inspired by Mosaic web browser and developed by original Mosaic authors.

Note: It will not work with modern internet protocals (ex: https !) and not for today’s web.

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How to install NCSA Mosaic on Ubuntu:

Open your terminal app (ctrl+alt+t) and run this NCSA Mosaic snap installation command.

sudo snap install mosaic

Then you need to enter your Ubuntu user password to confirm the installation. After the installation, run this command to open NCSA Mosaic on Ubuntu.


You can test it on your system if you want to feel the good old days.

NCSA Mosaic Home page:


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