How to install Inxi on Ubuntu & Fedora – Linux System Information Tool

Inxi is a free and open source command line system information tool for Linux and BSD. It is released under GNU General Public License v3.0 license. Using this you can view your system hardware, CPU, RAM, drivers, Xorg, Desktop, Kernel, Processes and almost every other useful information on your system. This is very good tool for Linux administrator to get all information in one tool. It supports widest range of hardware and servers. It is based on infobash by locsmif..

Install Inxi System Information Tool on Ubuntu:

You can install Inxi System Information Tool on Ubuntu via the default package manager. Open your terminal and run the below command to update its software source list.

sudo apt update

Enter your Ubuntu user password. Then run this Inxi installation command.

sudo apt install inxi

Install Inxi System Information Tool on Fedora:

Open the terminal emulator on fedora and run this command to install inxi.

sudo dnf install inxi

inxi usage:

Run this command to see all and complete avilable inxi usage options.

inxi -h
man inxi

Find Linux System Details Using inxi:

1.Display Short System Summary in Linux:


This will show details like CPU type, Uptime, CPU speed, Kernel details,RAM Memory details, Hard disk size, shell details and Inxi version.

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2.Display All System Hardware Information on Linux:

inxi -F -xxx

3.Display IP details

inxi -i

4. Display Partition details

inxi -P

5. Display Motherboard details

inxi -M

6. Display CPU details

inxi -C

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