Solve Fix Microsoft Account is Already Here Error on Windows

Resolving the “Microsoft account is already here” error on Windows 11 or 10 is a easy process that involves removing the existing Microsoft account from the system. This issue typically arises when attempting to transition from a local account to a Microsoft account. Here’s a step-by-step guide to address and fix this error:

How to Fix the “Microsoft account is already here” Error in Windows:

Navigate to the Settings menu and select “Accounts.” Within this section, locate the Users and Groups management window.

Carefully review the list of accounts displayed. Identify the Microsoft account that is causing the error. Ensure that you are selecting the correct account to delete.

Right-click on the identified Microsoft account and choose the “Delete” option. This action removes the account from the system. Exercise caution to select the correct account to avoid unintended consequences.

Confirm the deletion when prompted. Windows will initiate the removal process, ensuring that the specified Microsoft account is no longer associated with the system.

Allow Windows some time to complete the account removal process. Depending on system specifications, this may take a few moments.

By following these steps, you can successfully resolve the “Microsoft account is already here” error on Windows.
Now go back to Settings > Account > My Info and try to switch from the local account to the Microsoft account. It should work this time.

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