Google search graphing functionality now supports 3D plotting.Now just two-variable function on google’s search on desktop and it will graph an animated, interactive, WebGL-powered 3D plot right in your browser.Click anywhere in the graph to rotate it to check out different angles, or scale the view by zooming in or out, or by editing the range in your equation or in the lower-right legend box.
Example: Click Here
Or try this function:
5 + (-sqrt(1-x^2-(y-abs(x))^2))*cos(30*((1-x^2-(y-abs(x))^2))), x is from -1 to 1, y is from -1 to 1.5, z is from 1 to 6
Wow. Eeeaaassyyy and wonderful, but no documentation at all, as far as I know. I want to export/save the graph, but I don’t know-how