Debian 8 codenamed jessie released

Debian 8 codenamed jessie is now available for download.which will be supported for the next 5 years.

What’s new in this release?

Debian 8
Ships with several desktop applications and environments GNOME 3.14, KDE 4.11, Xfce 4.10, and LXDE.
New default init system (systemd)
LibreOffice is upgraded to version 4.3;
Calligra is upgraded to 2.8;
GNUcash is upgraded to 2.6;
GNUmeric is upgraded to 1.12;
Abiword is upgraded to 3.0.
legacy secure sockets layer protocol SSLv3 has been disabled.
OpenJDK 7 is the new supported default Java runtime.
OpenJDK 8 will be available from jessie-backports.
Tomcat 7 and Tomcat 8 are supported and Tomcat 6 was removed.
New developer tools including VisualVM, the Dynamic Code Evolution VM (openjdk-7-jre-dcevm), Gradle, eclipse-wtp-webtools, closure-compiler and more.
Inclusion of androidsdk-tools

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